Saturday, March 13, 2010

Been away, still not gone blank. My brothers who were sure to outlive me fell into the lap of death while i stand waiting. Just put down a book "the 5 people you meet in heaven". Mindblowing. Wonder who all i'l meet?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When Darkness Falls

Why are we scared of the dark? What's there in its dark womb that we fear? Is it the fear of the unknown. The vigour with which humans i.e. us hate and fear anything, ANY LITTLE thing that we cannot explain. And if it is not fear then it is an offshot. Reverence. Respect. Sacred understanding of a thing misunderstood. Am i crazy? To challenge beliefs. To explain faith? To be so arrogant as to stand upto God and say. "Look man (please note: Man isn't sexual preference, it just makes me look a bit sane) I got nothing against you but let's face it you are a misunderstanding" Well if i'm right well this ain't gonna happen anytime soon. But well, my silly little question is, Is this how all faith originates. Hindu mythology makes it obvious. Anything not explainable by Early Man is a god. Wind, water, rain and lightning, birth, death, the ground on which i stand, all converted into Gods. But couldn't it be the necessity of these components that made them sacred. Personified as God? Well, i can happily say here, "I DON'T KNOW". The answer harvard scholars gives when asked which of Anchilles' heels was injured by the arrow. Stupid example. I'm sorry. Well as time drifts pass me, I look back at all the good things this world has offered me. The cold morning, the rainy days, the pleasant night. Then i think of the great things that came across my life, my friends, my lovers, my family, Gajini (Aamir still has the charm!) Well, i didn't really think on this, then again sometimes thinking is simply overrated. Well, till if God permits (alas! a confession!) till next time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

But why?

Today i was under the same boring lights being poked at by a million knifes when this question popped into my head. like a metiorite, creating a huge ripple of interest. If you are thinking, "Oh my god the same crap about why me, why i have to bear all this pain stuff", sorry dudes I have to disappoint you.

The question i precipitated was far more silly, not simple mind. Just silly.

Why do we wake up every morning and expect to go safetly to bed at the end of the day? Why do we laugh and smile when there are this many pains and sufferings in this world?

Nah its not that why either. Ok now i'm just yanking your cord am'nt I?

Why exactly the shirt and pants a must for boys while a boy can't wear a salvar? Why is it a norm for girls to have long hair and boys tending towards shorter. Why is bible, Geetha and Khuran God's words when obviously Guys like u and me wrote the books? Why is it that the wllingness to live forever embedded in our hearts? Why, when a million combinations are possible, are the numer of compounds limited?

Ok the last question is for comfort. Can answer atleast one by valency and charge. But what about the others? They haunt me, like the shadow of my heart! Unseen unheard but always there when i look behind me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

God is in the Least little Grain of Sand

God, the term is quite familiar to believers and non believers alike. It would perhaps be the most used term in the world. But where does the almighty god live? Is it the top of the Himalayas, in the mystical Kailasa? Or the Centre of a lotus in the centre of the deepest ocean? Or in heaven wher he/she resides perhaps in fear of what was creasted by the divine power? God is a force that provided the infinite energy required to form the planets, stars and space. The power of a trillion suns concentrated on a point small enough to be represented by a pencil dot. Unbelivable to the last. So that grain of smallest sand once housed God. So why is it that god no longer exists in every garin of sand? When the point exploded into the space and precipitated all the inhabitants, wasn't it God's bits that formed every on of those precipitates. When they divided, the god was not lost but distributed and redistributed into a vast infinity. The infinity that is us. So in conclusion, respect every smallest piece on this earth and in ourself for God may be there in it all!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Views of the light

Well, it happened today. The first of a series of strokes that is going to stay till i leave. It was weird, though not unexpected. The problem was that those genious doctors never did succeed in explaining to me the real feeling, as if the world stopped all of a sudden and you start revolving round and round,, round and round, till you fall down and all that stops, and you are left with an unconcious self and a supersensitive brain,, bloody headache! Well the rest will come, but now i know what to expect, don't I. Should i donate my body to the Medicine Department? My eyes are already set to ditribute light, what about other parts. Is this the desire to keep atleast a bit of myself alive or is it sacrifice? I think it's sense. Just.....................

Saturday, June 21, 2008


HOPE. The Magical word that stands at the end ofg one's trial, one's suffering. The word that keeps me going on in life. What would the world be without hope?

I still remember the place where hope originated,,,, ironically, from Pandora's box!

It's a fairy tale worth telling. The silly little girl Pandora unwittingly opened a box of worries and trials into a world at perfect peace. Seeing her action's result she shut the box before the last inhabitant could come out. Then she heard the voice form the box, not the Scratchy and icky voice of a demon but the sweet chord of an angel telling her to let her out inorder to bring some hope back to the world. Obviously the angel didn't know that a perfect world was ignorant of hope coz they didn't need it. Pandora sensed some good in the being (maybe the demons blew some sense into her head) and let "HOPE" out too. So maybe hope is latched with problems, and a person free of problems is also devoid of hope. But who am i to ponder these issues? I havn't even wondered about myself, about who I really am, now pondering about the darkest corners of psycology. Bloody hell! Fear does change a man.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Feeling Powerless

The difficulty that is me. How do i face life every morning? Will i face life tomorrow. Or will my cold arms be prised apart by family and friends to a more appropriate position despite the hardness from rigor mortis? These are the questions that haunt me. Waht if tomorrow never comes? This is when the all powerful fate overpowers me, prevents me from surging ahead, with the sarcastic wit that I'm famous for. Sarcasm is the shield behind which i hid my feelings from others. But even that fails when i try convincing myself that i will live to talk abut today, as yesterday. Powerless, every man feels this way once, but to live it, to have it poison every cell in my body, its maddening.